What does poker face song mean

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Gaga makes several poker references throughout the song, including in the opening line of the song. One of the most famous examples of poker crossing over into pop culture is Lady Gaga’s 2008 hit “Poker Face.” The pop song helped to put Gaga on the map and was certified Diamond in 2015. Two of the most famous examples include a Grammy Award-winning song and an Emmy-nominated television show. As a result, the phrase “poker face” has branched out into other areas besides just poker. These reactions are also commonly called “tells”, because they can give away the strength of your hand.īeing able to stay calm under pressure is a skill that does not just benefit poker players.

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Smiling, widening your eyes, or otherwise reacting to the cards in your hand can be a big mistake. New players can often give away the strength of their hands based on their physical reactions.

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